Nintendo Osaka goods


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Last time, we couldn’t enter Nintendo Osaka.
But this time, we could enter the store.

As I mentioned before, you still need to get the numbered ticket.
You have to go to Water Clock, which called 水の時計(Mizu no Tokei) in Japan.

The place is not in Daimaru department store!
(Nintendo Osaka locates Daimaru department store 13th floor)

This place is in front of Daimaru department store(this has lots of doors..), and also close to JR Osaka Station.

This is the Water Clock(Mizu no tokei)

You can see the staff next to the clock.

I got the numbered ticket.
The time between【】is entrance time.
I went to the place after 1:00 PM.
Entering time is 5:20 PM.
So you have to kill the time.
Luckily, there are so many places to visit around here.

The ticket says, if you are late 5 minute, the ticket will not be avairable anymore.
(Make sure not to be late.)

There is a line in front of Nitendo Osaka, 13 floor in Daimaru department.
It’s easy to notice.

It won’t take time to wait.
I just waited around 5 miniute.

And this is inside of Nitendo Osaka.

Thanks to the ticket, there were not too many people there.
(Pokemon Store near this store was so CRAZY)

There were some big figures.


Isabelle(Japanese name is Shizue)

and some characters.

The store was big.
So there were so many goods actually.

Nintendo Osaka’s original goods.
They sell games too.

Also animal crossing’s cute stuffed animals too.

Pikmin goods too.
(I love blue pikimin’s facial experssion. lol)

Of course they have Kirby too.

Kirby is so cute.
I played Kirby’s game a lot.

Also Zelda goods.
(My favorite Zelda game is “zelda link’s awakening”, I mean original one.)

We bought some goods from it.
They gave us Nintendo Osaka’s bag.

We bought animal crossing mugs,

Animal Crossing’s stuffed animal(I dunno this one’s name),

And Kirby’s one.
This one is from Kirby’s Dream Course.

If you buy over 5000 yen, you can get ornament(I think this is seasonal).
We got Luigi’s one.

When Nintendo Osaka opened, it was difficult to go there.
But now, you can go there easier.

I hope you can go enter much easier when you visit there.

Nintendo Osaka
Address:13F, Daimaru Umeda Department Store, 3-1-1, Umeda, Osaka Shi Kita Ku, Osaka Fu, 530-0001, Japan
Business Hours:10:00AM~8:00PM
Phone Number:06-6147-2500

Thank you for reading 🙂






