vegan cafe in Kyoto, Japan


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There is vegan cafe around Kyocera Museum in Kyoto, Japan.
It takes 15 minutes on foot from the museum.

The road near the cafe is narrow and has traffic.
So I would recommend you to use a bus.

Kyoto has law that people can’t build a building which spoils the sight.
(For preserving historical place)
The cafe’s name is “chocho kobaru_coffee”.
The cafe is used japanese old home.

The cafe is run by one person.
The owner is women.

This is menu.
sorry this is Japanese one, but  there is a English menu too.

They have vegan menu and also gluten-free too.

Pancake is main menu.
Top one is sausage pancake.
Bottom one is vegan pancake.

There is organic drinks menu too
We sit a table near the window.

There was one group.
I guess they were American(or Canadian)

I ordered combo.
Cafe latte came too.

Syrup is organic.

I ordered sausage pancake.
My wife ordered gluten-free pancake.
Actually most of food is for vegetarian(except sausage)

This is gluten-free pancake.
The reason she ordered this is for our daughter.
She can’t eat egg.

Pancake had vegan cheese, so it made me full.
Gluten-free pancake has vegan ice cream.
That was good 🙂

When we were leaving, the owner gave a hair pin for my daughter.
She was really nice 🙂

If you visit around Kyocera museum or Heianjingu, why don’t you visit this cafe?!

Address:52-7, Nanzenji Shimokawaracho, Kyoto Shi Sakyo Ku, Kyoto Fu, 606-8434, Japan
Buisiness Hours:9:30AM ~ 6:00PM
Phone Number:075-751-5202


