Pop Team Epic Season 2 Ep3


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Pop Team Epic Ep3 is really popular in Twitter right now.

Japanese episode one’s voice actors(seiyuu, casts) are
Ikue Otani and Inuko Inuyama, they are known from acting in “Pokemon” in first half.
Also Jyunya Natsuki and Yuma Uchida are known from acting in “Jyujyutsu Kaisen” in second half.

In the beginning, “LET’S GO POPUTAN” is parody about “Dora’s explorer”, I guess.
The melody is reminds me of this anime show.

This one was really bad. lol
It was too straight dirty joke.
I don’t want to explain it.

This one is also from “Dora’s explorer”, isn’t it?!
Jyunya Natsuki said, “I would start Fx with this money”, was funny for me.

This character is from “MADE IN ABYSS”
(I’ve never watch this one.)

This one became really popular on Twitter for Japanese user.
TV ranking is parody for TV show from afternoon program.
Japanese afternoon TV show all look like that.

“Neoki dokkiri” is really old japanese TV show’s style.
Neoki means you just woke up.
Dokkiri means surprise.

TV crew suddenly go to the hotel room where celebrity is sleeping without permission.(I think actually they asked anyway)

It really sounds creepy now, but at the time(over 40 years ago, not sure exact time),
this was popular.

This part is parody about 3D games.
(You would understand)

I dunno about this, but it appeared in the begenning.

In the ending, it became live action. lol
They are so cute.
First half they visit “King Record” which makes this anime.

In the second half ending, they visited “Tikusyobou” which publishes original comics.

By the way, If you have Japanese Amazon account, you can watch this anime.
Try Japanese Amazon Prime

Thank you for reading:)

